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  • C. J. Korryn

The Demon Character And The Christian Writer

Last post I wrote about the Christian writing the antihero main character, this post I am going to take it one step further and write about having a demon main character as a Christian writer.

So, the demon character has an even bigger "bad" connotation with it because when we think of demons, we automatically start thinking of the real satin and the real demons - or some do at least. I don’t really keep in those circles anymore, if I ever did, but I know they exist – or used to when I was younger. The “Christian world” has all sorts of belief systems that range all across the spectrum, and some less contemporary as I would call them would say it is wrong, maybe even sinful to have a demon as the main character. Now, these same people think of these “demons” in fiction as the same as the real demons that we know from the Bible. Personally, I don’t think the fantastical version of demons are even close to the real demonic creatures of the Bible. Just like the “gods” of fantasy, they are nothing like reality. Remember fantasy is fantasy. These demons are usually just beings of another realm, usually spiritual realm or underworld, that somehow found their way into the realm of man. These demons have power, but not unlimited power. They really aren’t like the demons of the Bible, though a writer could write demons with the biblical idea of demons in mind. That is unusual, though. The fiction world rarely bridges the gap into the real world, and that is such a minute percentage that does (if it does) that it is nothing to worry about….at least in my opinion….I mean, we can’t control how people react to us or the such. I talked a little about this in my last blog, I do believe.

So, I don’t think it is wrong at all to have demons as the main character, but here are a few non-biblical reasons I wouldn’t have a problem with a demon character (and in fact have two demon-like characters in one of my unfinished fantasy novels).

First, most demon-like characters are written to be good guys. Maybe antihero, but they are good guys in some fashion. They might struggle with their demon tendencies and urges, but they fight for good – often.

Second, fantasy is fantasy. Readers know that going into reading a fantasy book. Sometimes it just baffles me that people think fantasy books/movies can be translated into a real world. Just because a book (or movie) has theology or ideology that is opposite what we believe doesn’t mean that it will corrupt the user. Books that have demons (or movies) won’t bring the reader (or watcher) into a devilish covenant with Satan himself or his minions. Sure, if you start to desire the “cool witch stuff” that some movies or books about witches have in them, and you start to dabble in witchcraft, then yeah. You probably will open your heart to the schemes of Satan. Aside from actively seeking the power of Satan, nobody will become “corrupt” by reading and watching these demon characters. It is a choice on the person’s part to chose or not to choose to do something.

So in short, I am saying that it is not wrong to write a demon character as the main character because it is fantasy and that nobody is really going to become evil by reading about a demon who tries to be good. People just don’t become something; they decide to become something.

Think about it, if we watch Riddick over and over are we going to go out and start killing people? Probably not…if we do, then there was already an issue! Am I pushing the envelope with my example, I don’t know.

Am I justifying creating demon characters? I don’t think so. Am I living in a state of moral depravity because I think demon characters are okay? I think not. But that is just me, do you agree or disagree?

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