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  • C. J. Korryn

Never Ending Staircases

Well, so this is going to be another post regarding my lifestyle change. Last week I posted about the direction God is taking me with my writing. You can consider this a part two to that. I have been really trying to

focus on the business aspect of this new adventure because I will be earning less money from my job next school year. This is a daunting task, and the picture explains how I feel perfectly. The more I research advertising, promotion, and business, the more it seems the challenge increases. I feel like I am walking up a staircase and with every step I take the stairs get longer. I just don’t feel like I am making any headway in my progress up this climb. I just can’t see the end of the stairs. I keep trudging along, ever so slowly, working as hard as I can to be successful, but at every step, I look around and see so many directions I need to go. Between trying to get more followers on social media, expanding my viewership on my vlog, my online bookstore, my web pages, getting more social media as a business to promote myself, and this blog, not to mention writing for my Patreon page and looking for freelance writing jobs, things just seem impossible. I knew this journey would not be easy, and I know God will provide my needs (again, not necessarily my wants) but it just seems so overwhelming as I look at all the things I need to do to just “break even” for this “business.” This will definitely be a journey that will grow me and…..hopefully……shortly...... prove prosperous….at least to the point that I won’t be living “the starving artist” lifestyle.

I have spent more time recently researching promotion and the such rather than writing. I fully expect not to make much money for many, many months, but I am sure God will provide the finances to pay all of my bills and needs. One such way I know I can make a few hundred dollars a month is giving plasma so I will be spending twice a week doing that. I am currently looking for freelance writing jobs and searching out fiction contests to send some of my writing in. Hopefully, I can start making a little money from the freelance and contests before my income from my job changes.

All in all, I have a daunting task before me but doesn’t every new start-up business. I am sure I will be posting another post regarding this new adventure in a few months – and hopefully, it will be more positive than this one.

Hope you enjoyed this blog post, though it seems more of complaining than anything. Follow me on my social media and keep up with my progress.

Until next week.

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